Discover Scuba Diving in Bohol
Did you always want to try to dive?
Never tried scuba diving before? Now is the time. The clear, warm waters around Panglao Island make this the perfect location to discover what lies beneath the ocean. Learn from our experienced instructors how to breathe underwater.
As your safety is paramount to us, we keep our groups very small with one instructor to two customers at most, and many times a one on one diving experience. Always choose a professional diving center for your diving, and especially for your first dive.

Discover Scuba in Panglao with Valm Divers
Scuba diving seems scary for someone who never tried it before. However, guided by professionals your first time trying scuba shouldn’t be frightening at all, but excited rather. Many people who come to the Philippines and to Bohol do it for scuba diving as it’s really one of the best destinations in the world for diving. You could join the experience yourself and try scuba is the smallest step you can take, and perhaps even the best thing to do even before you do your Open Water Course.
If you choose to continue from your Discover Scuba Experience to an Open Water Course immediately after you finish, we’ll waive the cost of the Try Scuba Experience and consider it as the first dive of your Open Water Course. You could continue with the same instructor for a seamless experience. The open water course takes around 2 to 3 days so take it into account if you plan to progress to it from your discover scuba.

Booking your Discover Scuba with Valm Divers in Advance is recommended. Booking ahead will ensure that our instructors will be free to take you on the first step of your fascinating journey underwater.
Click on the Book Now button or contact us directly via the What’s App widget on this page.
What you can see when you try scuba diving in Panglao?
Here’s some recent photo’s from our divers. It’s only an example of what you could see while you scuba dive in Panglao, even on your fist dive ever! Bohol is an amazing destination for anyone who’d like to try scuba diving in the Philippines due to the calm nature of the ocean, and the abundant marine life.
Discover Scuba in Panglao - Who is it For?
Anyone who’s 10 years old or older, and non-pregnant can do a DSD (discover scuba diving). It’s fun and easy, and also very safe. Panglao is perhaps a perfect destination for people to embark on their scuba diving journey as there are world-class diving centers just in front of any beach in Panglao. Valm Divers is situated in the heart of Alona Beach and therefore accessible to anyone who arrived in Bohol for vacation.
You can read a little bit on Panglao Dive Sites and start to sense what you’ll see while diving here. Feel free to inquire about trying scuba with us and we’ll get back to you. So drop as a message on our What’s App chat or an inquiry via our contact page, and we’ll make your scuba dream come true!